Many Singaporeans today aspire to create multiple streams of online business today due to the rapid rising cost of living and inflation rate.

Though most of them are aware that online platforms could potentially make them wealthier than in their current 9-5, they simply just don’t know where and how to begin, and so they linger around social media looking for answers and go into a never-ending loop of never taking proper actions.

In this blog, we will share with you how 2 of the most popular social media platforms can change your life if you use it — the entrepreneur way.

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, choosing the right platform for your business can make a significant difference in your success. For employees, it is a good way to help create higher value for your company and increase more career opportunities for yourself.

TikTok and Facebook are two of the most popular social media platforms, each offering unique advantages for entrepreneurs and marketers. Understanding the key differences between TikTok and Facebook marketing can help you maximise your ROI and bring in more revenue. Let’s explore five important differences between these platforms.

Why use Tiktok and Facebook Marketing in Singapore

Audience Demographics

  • TikTok: TikTok is primarily popular among younger audiences, particularly Gen Z (ages 10-25) and younger Millennials. This platform is ideal for brands targeting a youthful demographic.
  • Facebook: Facebook has a broader user base, encompassing a wide range of age groups. While it is still popular among younger users, it also has a strong presence among older Millennials, Gen X, and even Baby Boomers. This makes Facebook suitable for businesses targeting a more diverse audience.

Content Format and Engagement

  • TikTok: TikTok is all about short-form video content, with videos ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes. The platform encourages creativity and virality, with trends and challenges playing a significant role. Engagement on TikTok is driven by entertainment value, originality, and the ability to quickly capture viewers’ attention.
  • Facebook: Facebook supports a variety of content formats, including text posts, images, videos, live streams, and links. This versatility allows brands to experiment with different types of content. Engagement on Facebook often revolves around community building, with users interacting through comments, shares, and reactions.

Marketing Capabilities

  • TikTok: TikTok’s Marketing options include In-Feed Ads, Brand Takeovers, Hashtag Challenges, and Branded Effects. These ads are integrated seamlessly into users’ feeds, making them feel less intrusive. TikTok’s ad platform is relatively new but rapidly evolving, offering targeting options based on user behaviour, interests, and demographics.
  • Facebook: Facebook’s Marketing platform is highly advanced and well-established. It offers a wide range of ad formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, slideshow ads, and collection ads. Facebook Ads Manager provides detailed targeting options, allowing businesses to reach specific audiences based on interests, behaviours, demographics, and even lookalike audiences.

Algorithm and Reach

  • TikTok: TikTok’s algorithm is designed to promote content based on user engagement, making it possible for even new accounts to go viral if their content resonates with the audience. The For You Page (FYP) is curated for each user, showing them content that aligns with their interests and interactions. This can lead to rapid growth in followers and engagement.
  • Facebook: Facebook’s algorithm prioritises content from friends, family, and groups, often reducing the organic reach of business pages. Paid advertising is often necessary to ensure that branded content reaches a wider audience. However, with strategic ad campaigns, businesses can achieve significant reach and engagement.

User Intent and Behavior

  • TikTok: Users on TikTok are typically looking for entertainment and short bursts of engaging content. This makes TikTok an excellent platform for brands that can create fun, visually appealing, and shareable content. The platform’s fast-paced nature requires marketers to be quick and creative.
  • Facebook: Facebook users tend to engage in a variety of activities, from connecting with friends and family to consuming news and interacting with brands. This multi-purpose use means that brands can leverage Facebook for both community building and direct response marketing. Content that provides value, such as informative posts and interactive elements, tends to perform well.


Both TikTok and Facebook offer valuable opportunities for marketers, but understanding their differences is crucial for maximising your marketing efforts. TikTok’s youthful audience, creative content format, and potential for virality make it an exciting platform for brands targeting younger demographics. On the other hand, Facebook’s diverse user base, versatile content options, and advanced advertising capabilities make it a powerful tool for reaching a wide range of audiences.

By leveraging the unique strengths of each platform, you can create effective marketing strategies that drive engagement and revenue. Whether you’re looking to capture the attention of Gen Z on TikTok or build a loyal community on Facebook, understanding these differences will help you make informed decisions and bring in the money.

If you are now thinking of getting closer to understanding how to create a new stream of passive income online using social media with handhold guidance from a serial online entrepreneur, do check out our upcoming free masterclass where you will take home with you value-guaranteed methods to get started!

In our previous articles, we have also shared a walkthrough on how you can set up your Facebook Ads Business Suite for your business.